Ibm Cognos Tm1 Developers Certification Guide

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Ibm Cognos Tm1 Developers Certification Guide

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Artists included:

  • Environmental Encroachment

    presented a colorful performance
    of costumes, percussion, puppets and projection, all within the confines
    of a 50ft. cargo net, suspended from 14ft. rafters.

  • Margaret Goddard

    Art Institute of Chicago staff member,
    utilized metal, video and light in her provocative sculpture/installations.

  • Chris Hauseman

    performed a modernized Tibetan re-birthing ritual.
    Fetish objects, combined with nudity and lard, represented various
    stages of rebirth in this quiet and mystical performance.

    Other artists included:

    Trish Carter

    - abstract watercolour painting

    Ron Laurrieu

    - installation & drawing

    Jessica Lucas

    - mixed-media painting

    Brian Miller

    - acrylic painting

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    - sculpture

    Laura Roeper

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    Shane Swank

    - acrylic painting.

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